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Good business slogans usually do not come instantly. After you jot a few ideas .
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Advertising Slogans of all time | Buzzwords Copywriting ., FAMOUS ADVERTISING SLOGANS - Famous Quotations .
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Our research shows, however, that many slogans backfire—for example, For .
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These famous advertising slogans of all time have the common traits of being .
Read some catchy slogan examples for a new business or perhaps to start a .
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In the 1970s, no advertising slogan resonated more than E.F. Hutton's boastful .
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The power of slogans is often overlooked when we think of advertising, it is only .
Mar 22, An athletic equipment company recommends cheating. Continue reading →.
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Tagged since March 2012. Since its inception in 1886, Coca-Cola has been .
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Slogans That Will Change Your Business : Marketing .
As John Houseman intoned in the iconic TV commercials, Smith Barney earns its .